December 12th, 1993
Los Angeles, California
Universal Amphitheatre
KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas
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1. Intro    
2. Change    
3. Walk    
4. (ripped away)    
5. No Rain
6. Candy Says    
7. Paper Scratcher    
8. outro
bubba 420 at the Blind Melon Forum was the source of the upgraded recording. Thank you bubba!
This recording was uploaded to archive.org by Matt Theberge. Thank you, Matt!
To listen and/or download this show from archive.org, click HERE

youtube link: http://youtu.be/3-ALEky0kVc
credit: Cherene Scott
transfer: Jason Flesher
Thank you to Jason and Cherene for releasing this interview!

December, 1993
KROQ-ing In The New Year!

author: unknown
photographer: Lisa Johnson
publication: RAW

KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas article clipping
credit: Leigh Capel

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