Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher
Karen and Kristen had wanted to see these pics that I
have from when I met Blind Melon in Catonsville, MD in
Feb. of 1994. These are all of the ones that I had with
Shannon in them, some aren't the best quality but I
decided to post them anyway because beggars can't be
choosers when it comes to pics of Shannon. I look like
a dipshit in these pics, I'm aware of this. Keep in mind
these were taken almost 14 years ago and since then I've
figured out how to use a pair of tweezers and that dying
my hair red isn't the best look for me. The Indian girl
in the pics is Aku. She was my best friend in high school
and we got into Blind Melon together. She'll be meeting
up with me at the Falls Church show and we'll see Blind Melon
together for the first time since these pictures were taken.
Some of the other people in the pics are the girls we hitched
a ride with to the show and some of the people are just
other concert-goers.
I know some people have already snatched some cropped
versions of these pics that I had posted on the internet
and used them as their own. I figured everyone might as
well see the originals and know the story behind the
where the pics came from.

02-23-1994 Catonsville, MD ~ UMBC Fieldhouse
Many thanks to Sonya for sharing this ticket scan!

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

This is Aku totally freaking out that
Shannon Hoon is standing right next to her.
Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Per the other thread about how tall he is,
you can sort of tell in this picture. I'm 5'6" and
he appears to be at least 4" taller than me
which would put him at 5'10" at least.
Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

Blind Melon (02-23-1994)
contributed by: Sonya Tincher

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