January 1996
Meditative Musings

author: Karen Sidlow
photographer: Chris Gill
photographer: Lisa Johnson
photographer: Joe Giron
photographer: John Atashian
publication: RIP
contributed by: Matt Theberge

Reading Eagle
January 11th, 1996
The Needle and the Damage Done

author: Jeff Whitehead
photo credit: Associated Press
publication: Reading Eagle

February 1996
Memories of Shannon Hoon

author: Dan Davis
photographer: Danny Clinch
photographer: unknown
publication: Circus

July 1996
Meloncholy and the Infinite Sadness

author: Chris Heath
photographer: Danny Clinch
home photos: Nel Hoon
publication: Details

late 1996
Blind Melon CD to be released Nov. 12

author: unknown
photographer: Neal Nachman
publication: Circus

November 1996
Remembering Blind Melon & Shannon Hoon

author: Steve Hammer
author: Jeff Napier
photographer: Danny Clinch
publication: Nuvo
contributed by: Leigh Capel

December 19-26, 1996
Blind Melon's Last Farewell

author: Brett Mercuri
photographer: Heather Devlin Thorn
publication: Scene