01-19-2007 North Hollywood, CA - Studio Wishbone 1 (source: matttheberge)
09-29-2007 Interview with Brad Smith (source: matttheberge)
10-06-2007 Interview with Travis Warren (source: matttheberge)
10-16-2007 Chicago, IL - Mancow Radio Show (source: ???)
10-16-2007 Chicago, IL - Double Door (source: allthatineeded)
10-16-2007 Chicago, IL - Double Door (source: Mark E)
10-18-2007 Urbana, IL - Canopy Club (source: jcrab66)
10-18-2007 Urbana, IL - Canopy Club (source: ???me???)
10-22-2007 Allston, MA - Harper's Gerry (source: rutterbtr)
10-23-2007 Portland, ME - The Big Easy (source: ???tripticket???)
11-23-2007 Allentown, PA - Crocodile Rock Cafe (source: ???rachelford???)
11-28-2007 Washington D.C. - DC 101.1 FM (source: ???matttheberge???)
11-27-2007 Lancaster, PA - Chameleon Club (source: rachelford)
11-27-2007 Lancaster, PA - Chameleon Club (source: bobafett)
11-28-2007 Falls Church, VA - State Theatre (source: tapernate)
11-28-2007 Falls Church, VA - State Theatre (source: bobafett)
11-30-2007 Charlotte, NC - Tremont Music Hall (source: WWHJD?)
11-30-2007 Charlotte, NC - Tremont Music Hall (source: rachelford)
11-30-2007 Charlotte, NC - Tremont Music Hall (source: bobafett)
12-03-2007 Atlanta, GA - Masquerade (source: Ben Jenkins)
12-11-2007 Starkville, MS - Rick's Cafe (source: Jesse Mc)
12-11-2007 Starkville, MS - Rick's Cafe (source: toolband125)