Glen Graham

drummer's resource
December 23rd, 2013
Glen Graham (Blind Melon): Pop music, then and now

author: Nick Ruffini
photographer: Brooks Graham
publication: drummer's resource

September 1st, 2011
Glen Graham

author: Jeff Pearlman

Drum Channel - Curt Bisquera
youtube link: youtu.be/y-ND86dM9EY
credit: www.youtube.com/DrumChannelOfficial
For the complete interview, click HERE

Glen Graham of Blind Melon on DC LIVE by Drum_Channel

Modern Drummer
September 2008
Web Exclusive Interview Blind Melon's Glen Graham

author: Modern Drummer Staff
photographer: unknown
publication: Modern Drummer

Big O
December 1995
It Could Have Been a Gumbo Good Time

author: Zulkifli Othman
photographers: Danny Clinch
publication: Big O

Drum Media
September 1995
Just a Drummer

author: Stuart Coupe
photographer: Gene Kirkland
publication: Drum Media
contributed by: Leigh Capel