Joe Giron is a professional photographer that
photographed Blind Melon on several occasions.

Hit Parader
March 1993
Hit or Miss

author: compiled by Hit Parader staff
photographers: Joe Giron
publication: Hit Parader

Hit Parader
February 1994
Life On Top

author: Mike Pressman
photographers: Joe Giron  
Mark Weiss
publication: Hit Parader

April 1st, 1994
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

author: Sandy Stert Benjamin
photographer: Joe Giron
photographer: Henry Diltz
publication: Goldmine

November 1995
full-page photo

photographer: Joe Giron
publication: RIP

People magazine
November 06, 1995
The Homecoming

author: People magazine staff
publication: People magazine
photo credit: Joe Giron

January 1996
Meditative Musings

author: Karen Sidlow
photographer: Chris Gill
photographer: Lisa Johnson
photographer: Joe Giron
photographer: John Atashian
publication: RIP
contributed by: Matt Theberge