Jack Dandridge originally shared his ticket stub, show poster,
and review of the show at the Huntridge Theater in Las Vegas,
at the old blindmelon.org website. He also has a flyer from
the Costa Mesa show. He has given permission for these to be
hosted here at blindmelonarticles.
Thank you, Jack!

September 9th, 1993
Costa Mesa, CA - Pacific Amphitheatre

contributed by: Jack Dandridge

September 11th, 1993
Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles Sports Arena

This flyer was on the backside of the flyer for the Costa Mesa show.
contributed by: Jack Dandridge

October 24th, 1993
Las Vegas, NV - Huntridge Theater

source: www.blindmelon.org
contributed by: Jack Dandridge

October 24th, 1993
Las Vegas, NV - Huntridge Theater

artist/designer: unknown
source: www.blindmelon.org
contributed by: Jack Dandridge

Review of Oct. 24th, 1993 show at Huntridge Theater:
The Huntridge was a great little venue. It was an old movie
theater that mostly held punk shows. I'm not sure if its still there.
I do remember an Allman Brother riff in the middle of one of
their tunes and I got totally jazzed (huge Allman fan here).
Shannon saw how stoked I was and flashed me a huge smile.
I remember how rulin it felt knowin' he was an Allman fan too!
Long live Rock n Roll!
- Jack Dandridge
source: www.blindmelon.org